Tracking My Order

Tracking Details for order 20220402001

By: | By:Fuleague | Published time: 2022-06-05 | 657 Views | Share:

Order No.: 20220402001

Destination: Huntington Beach, CA  92648,United States

Departure: Shenzhen China             

Shipping Description: The packages of this order will be shipped by sea to the port close to your address, then deliver to your door by local truck .

Latest Status: Arrived at LA port, cleared customs, waiting to be picked up and put into local warehouse.

Date: 2022-06-30 

Region: in LA port.

Details: Arrived at port, cleared customs, waiting to be picked up and put into local warehouse.

Date: 2022-06-13 

Region: On the boat

Details: The ship has sailed on June 9, and the estimated time of arrival is June 23, Tracking for the vessel:

Date: 2022-06-06 

Region: On the boat

Details: loading on the boat, waiting for sailing. vessel: COSCO ENGLAND 052E, Tracking for the vessel:

Date: 2022-06-1 

Region: Shenzhen Distribution Center

Details: Waiting for loading, QTY: 3 PKGS for 4 sofa, Tracking number:20220402001,

Date: 2022-05-30 

Region: Fuleague factory China

Details: Packages ready

Date: 2022-05-27 

Region: Fuleague factory China

Details: Goods ready

Date: 2022-04-05

Region: Fuleague factory China

Details: Production

Date: 2022/04/05 01:19

Region: Order submited

Details: Complete the payment

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